Does exactly what our Proprietary DECRYPTOR does, but, optimised for the commodities in the global market, which includes and is not limited to Gold, Silver, Crude Oil.
Again, of course, when it comes to Proprietary set of tools, we are bound to not share the recipe; but... we can surely tell, this one tool has helped us make the most of the market, in any environment. May it be a greedy market or a fearful one. It has no such pre-developed and mostly used indicator to sense the market, but only volume and price-action. As the market tends to switch directions for trapping those who are long or short, this cyclical volume and price-action tool helps make the most of it. The more the movement in the market, in any direction, the more are the trades. The Risk Reward Ratio in this is brutally impressive.
The commodities market on the other hand are totally opposite of the traditional market. An investor usually hedges his / her position using these instruments. How can something that works with traditional instrument can work with these instruments?
Here we are...